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Commercial Real Estate

Yoram Eliyahu On Commercial Real Estate

While the real estate market overall is in an upswing following the hard hit of the bursting housing bubble, real estate expert Yoram Eliyahu sees commercial real estate as being in a particularly promising position. There has recently been an increase in activity in regards to commercial real estate, which is a positive sign not just for the real estate market, but also for the increase in business that it represents.

Yoram Eliyahu

As Yoram Eliyahu explains, real estate is an industry that is reliant on other industries. As the strength of the economy grows so too grows the workforce, increasing demand for commercial real estate properties.

Within the next year, sales prices, leases and rents are expected to gain momentum. With the still-depressed economy and many people unemployed or under-employed, there is a heavy focus on job creation right now, the development of which in turn requires office space. Yoram Eliyahu sees that as positions are created and companies grow, there will likely be a decrease in vacancies of retail and office properties in order to accommodate the changes.

The economic cycle brings promise for many industries. As Yoram Eliyahu has noted, no one industry operates completely independent of others. As jobs are created and more money is made and funneled back into the economy, more businesses and individuals will grow and prosper. This growth will directly impact demand and price of goods and supplies, the housing market, and the commercial real estate market. As a long-time real estate expert, Yoram Eliyahu looks forward to the increase in business and the following increase in the commercial real estate market.