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REIT and Real Estate Investing

Yoram Eliyahu On Real Estate Investing

Over the course of his career in real estate, Yoram Eliyahu has seen a wide variety of market conditions. In an unstable housing market, many investors are wary of investing in real estate. Investing in a single property can pose many challenges based on the size, value and type. Single family homes and other small properties often require a high level of responsibility with uncertain payments. Larger properties may be difficult to manage without support. While it is certainly possible to be successful in real estate investing, the current market may be intimidating for some investors. Yoram Eliyahu, an experienced real estate professional, believes that REITs (real estate investment trusts) are a promising alternative to traditional real estate investments, offering a lower risk, lower responsibility method for investors to stay involved in the real estate industry.

Yoram Eliyahu

REITs were created, Yoram Eliyahu explains, to enable companies to own a diverse collection of properties ranging from residential (home and apartment) and office buildings to large corporate structures. Investors allow the company in ownership to maintain this diverse real estate portfolio, while receiving the benefit of considerable returns on valuable properties without personal responsibility for the sites. Available statistics support Yoram Eliyahu’s views on investment properties. A recent study showed that publically traded REITs have outperformed the broader stock market. There is still risk involved in investing in REITs, and investors should acquaint themselves with the fund and company before investing.

As the housing market changes, the availability and worth of investments may change. Yoram Eliyahu has observed that when the economy makes it difficult to own a home, apartment building rentals take an upswing, and their desirability will command higher rents, making this already popular choice more profitable. The investment value of private homes will change as the housing market shifts, and housing demands with it. For the time being, Yoram Eliyahu feels that REITs are a solid way to mitigate the risks of investing in real estate and are an alternative worth researching for those looking to get involved in real estate investments.