Investing Tips

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Tips for Real Estate Investing

Yoram Eliyahu On Tips for Investing

Yoram Eliyahu is a successful commercial real estate investor and developer. With his vast experience, Eliyahu is in a position to dispense extremely valuable advice for those looking to invest in real estate. Before beginning, Yoram Eliyahu stresses the importance of understanding the difference between speculating and investing. Speculating is a risky business, where one purchases a property in the hopes that the value will increase and it can be sold at a profit in the future.

Yoram Eliyahu

It is possible to be very successful in speculating, but it is important to be patient with your investments and have a solid understanding of the market. Things to consider when looking at properties for this kind of venture include the current value, market changes in nearby areas and local growth. An inexpensive property in an area where comparable properties are on the rise may prove to be a good investment, but Yoram Eliyahu cautions against jumping into this kind of investment with insufficient research. It is also important to consider how long you want your money tied up, as it may take longer than expected to see the numbers you are hoping for.

Investing, Yoram Eliyahu explains, is the purchase of a property that will allow the buyer to collect income immediately, or in the near future. A small-scale example of this would be an individual who purchases a low priced older home in need of some touching up, and rents it immediately, therefore gaining income to cover the expenses of maintaining and fixing the property. Yoram Eliyahu favors this method of real estate investing, because you are immediately gaining income from the property, and any future return can be considered a bonus.

Investors can be successful by utilizing either method, however Yoram Eliyahu strongly recommends that investors study the market and plan their investments for the greatest return. He suggests calculating all expenses to the best of your ability to ensure that the needs of an investment property do not take you by surprise and end up nullifying any profit you may have made now or in the future.